Monday, June 9, 2008

Jonathan updates @9Jun08

Jonathan has been sick for about a week now... caught a flu when his 2 brothers were sick 2 weeks ago. Yah, it's just like one after another. After having a week of antibiotic jabs, nebulising him and a couple of oral medications, he is getting so much better now. At least one thing for sure, his drinking pattern has returned to normal, hurray!! He has definitely lost some weight, but I'm sure he can gain back pretty soon.
Some of his recent photos .......

Picture taken on 6 Jun '08 - 21 weeks.

He was so happy, thinking that he is going "gai gai". But actually mummy was about to bring him to see his paediatrician for his jab.

4th June '08 - 21 weeks
Does he look "slimmer" now?

18th May '08
Jonathan "climbing" up the sofa, with the help of daddy.

The "satisfied" look after his bath.